30 November 2013

Tearaway Review

Tearaway o Tearaway what have you done to me.
I am so addicted to you that I can't let go of you

MediaMolecule the minds behind the cute and brave sackboy have brought us a new game that is this time set in the world of Tearaway.
It takes the player through this world with new controls that feel at home on the vita.
And while the controls are the major plus point to the game I found that the best thing about Tearaway is that the world becomes slowly a little bit unique to me.
A good example is the face of an character will look like this for the rest of the game for me.
The message at the end will turn unique to you and me depending how we painted our world of Tearaway.
This makes the ending a blast, but I won't spoil the game for you because thats your journey to take.
For all my Photos of Tearaway visit my Me page here -> http://tearaway.me/u/GrimLink
Now as to the controls they are introduced to any Tearaway player in a way so that it doesn't feel like a tutorial.
Hell hack the option to jump is introduced in chapter 2 and thats late but in a good way for this game.
Because of this I had reason to replay the game to see areas that couldn't visit last time.

As so far for the story Tearaway did a great job.
It's not too straightforward by giving it some nice spins but it is a little bit predictable at least.
None the less the world of Tearaway sucked me in making me crave for more.

The combat in the game felt nice but sometimes a little bit too much killing the fib of the exploring.
The  way I can Fight the scrapes evolved a I played but the combat felt the same none the less.
I did hope to see more backtouch combat instead of the dodge and throw tacktick.

Another nice but more gimmicky thing is that you and me can collect actual papercraft models of Tearaway via its photo system and build them via your ME page
I love Tearaway and for this reason i will alway advice any gamer to give this a game a spin.
Now I won't give scores to game in the future for this blog, starting with this game.
I think a verdict and a good and bad will do the trick much better to give you the reader a better impression.

Tearaway succeeded in what it was bould for. making me interested in building my own paper crafts. exploring a world that felt unforgettable. riding pigs. and allowing me to customize the world so that it is a little bit mine.
+ Good
Fun to explore
Lovely Art
Makinging the world a little bit yours.
- Bad
Too short
Sometimes a little bit too much combat

29 November 2013

PS4 out in EU but what now?

The PS4 has been officially released for the EU PlayStation region last night in the UK on 0:00 via a live video that I and many more viewed on YouTube.

Great but does this mean the life cycle of the PS3 ended?
Nope there is still so much left for the PS3 in 2014 and there is no reason to sell or box in your PS3.
Down here is an example what to expect for 2014;
  • The Last of Us Single player DLC
  • Persona 5
  • Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Part 2
  • More The Wolf Among Us Episodes
And many more to come but what can we play now.
One thing is new Sound Shapes DLC that is out for all 3 PS devices, now thats awesome.

The other is all the great stuff that is already out.
Because there is not a chance that you completed the entire PS3 library.
There is still enough to do on this current gen console.
I have still to catch up on allot of PSplus games i own but have not yet played.

The Vita also received at this special release day a game that is already yours if you own the PS3 version.
I am talking about Flower.
Now i personally really like this on the Vita but I am looking more forward playing Flower on the PS4 when i get my PS4.
Sadley I won't own one at launch.

Also heads-up to all fellow PSplus users.
The PS4 Plus deals are yours even if you don't own a PS4 yet.
Go to the Web version of the PSN (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/)  Log-In go to the PS4 games section search for 2 free games named Resogun and Contrast download them and there yours forever till you stop with PSplus.

Also What will you do when your done with the PS3?
Sell or Keep.

28 November 2013

Intro to my Favorite 2013 games

With the end of the 2013 closing in I thought why not share my favorite 2013 gaming experiences very soon.
Of course my list is a bit full of PlayStation games but i will try to also add some other console and mobile games.
Expect to this list go live on the 6th of December with a top 5 of;

  • PlayStation3 games
  • PlayStation Vita games
  • PlayStation+ games
  • PC games
  • Web games
  • Mobile games
I also want to take a looks at 1 or maybe more games from my past that are seen by the gaming community as classic's.

12 November 2013

Censors and all that other Chitchat

With lately so many talk about for an example;
  • Censors in The Last of Us and other games. 
  • Female characters in games are stereotype.
I decided to share my opinion on this stupid talk.
Now before i start i want to point out this is my opinion so if you don't agree good but don't bitch about it here.

First i want to start on Censors, are the bad or good and how much should we care about their existence.

So some time back there was a discussion on the censor of the EU The Last of Us multiplayer in which the EU version did not have dismemberment and exploding heads, unlike it's US version.
Now when i read this i felt that it was stupid since the game still looks freaking gori in the singleplayer.
So why should the multiplayer not have the same fgore level and why can't we choose the level of gore ourselves.
But at the other hand i was not bothered too much about it unlike most comments i read where people went ape-shit and cryde like baby's (pardon my language :P)
There was not really much reason to any way because the game is still that same and i still freaking love it.
The fun the multiplayer gave me did not get less fun because the gore level.

But there is one thing i do wish and that is that PlayStation will let us choose our own gore level.
Like the parent control function we have as an example.

Do i find censors bad?
Yes i hate censors, there is more gore on a modern horror movie than most games have.
Also germany is great country but there censor rules are fucked up.
We do get to gut centaurs (GoW:ascension) or shoot a crowd of innocent people (COD:MW2) but we can't have exploding heads and body parts flying around us.
That just makes no sense.

Thats mine!!

Now for the 2de topic stereotypes.
As we all know in every country there is a small group of people that complain about something so much that is blown up.
We here in the Netherlands now have this stupid group of people complaining about our traditional festival Sinterklaas.
No idea what i am talking about google it.

Now in the game world we have the discussion about stereotype female characters.
Both Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us had also some mixed comments on this topic.
One GameSpot editor was even was talking how Elie from The Last of Us was stereotype and she managed to piss of allot of people including me for spiting horsshit and trying to justify it.

Now i do agree that most of our female game character are stereotype but i don't care one tiny bit about it.
Is it because i am male?
No, that's just stupid.

Also look at the average female gamers, the don't play my little pony or hannah montana.
The play the same games male gamers play and the probably don't care like the rest of us.
And also probably even find games like my little pony or hannah montana more insulting to female gamers.

It's always that small group that is bothered by stereotype female characters and is crying so hard that it looks like a world topic.
There are even some people that complain about games that try to set both male and female character in more realistic sunlight instead making them stereotype.

Now should female characters be less stereotype?
Yes, but games with stereotype characters should also exist in my opinion.

Now with this all shared what is your opinion?
Share it in the comments below.

04 November 2013

Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Experience

Boom Headshot!!
A console experience on the go, who wouldn't want that.
Even better who wouldn't want a First-Person-Shooter on on the go.
And so after 2 mediocre FPS's on the Vita, Guerilla delivered us a fine and almost console like experience on the go.
And so was my Killzone Mercenary experiences.

I really enjoyed the campaign and how the story linked to Killzone 1 and Killzone 2.
But what kept me the most busy is the Multiplayer of Killzone Mercenary and not because I want the trophies for multiplayer but because I really enjoy playing the multiplayer.
(I do want the trophies btw)
It's weird how my normal play style changed because of this multiplayer.
I started to be more direct and I have adopted the smg/assault rifle as my primary weapon.
It's funny since I act more sneaky and sniper like in Killzone 2 and Killzone 3's multiplayer.
A 4vs4 match is a bit smaller and requires a bit more independence so that you can defend yourself when alone.
Although my overall experience has been great, i do hate it when i join a unbalanced match or a match with only one team.

A major plus point for Killzone Mercenary is the weapon system.
I love how the weapon loadout is the same in the multiplayer and single-player.
So if you're stuck in the single-player for example, you can easily get some cash by playing some matches in the multiplayer and vice versa.
The only difference is that in the single-player you change your gun with a blackjack weapon box and in the multiplayer you get loadout slots to set before getting in a match.

My preferred loadout in Killzone Mercenary is seen below in this image as an example.
And yes it is made for a warzone player, which is my prefered killzone multiplayer type.
For those unknown to killzone, the multiplayer of killzone features mission based team deathmatch (warzone) and normal team deathmatch (guerrilla warfare).
Killzone mercenary also features a normal deathmatch (mercenary warfare) which is new to the Killzone universe.

But back to my loadout, why this choice for a loadout.
Well i like to act strategically to every situation during a match.
The armour is in combination with my van-guard to control the map and force enamay player to hide so that my team can kill them in there own made box.
I choose the STA-52se for more assault like combat and is easy to use for a panic situation.
M80 is my anti air support and anti sniper rivel users gun because it's easy to use its lock-on.
M133 PROX is for those nasty moments to kill people in unexpected moments and can be used for defensive moments as well.
But  even with this nice loadout i am still trying to get used to my old love the STA-14, which i use primarily in Killzone 3.

Overall the match length is good but too long for travel.
I really need to sit down for around 20 to 30 minutes to play one match.
This is not bad but just to long for a normal bus trip.

In the end this is a great experience on the Vita, that any FPS fan should play.

Before i end this Blog article i want to point out that there is a FREE art book of killzone mercenary out on the Vita, so get it now!